Justin CHAN
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Type de personne
Justin Chan est un illustrateur et concept artiste freelance Canadien vivant à Vancouver.
Il a étudié au Sheridan College.
Ludographie sélective
Video Game High School (2014)
Castle Panic: The Dark Titan (2015)
Bargain Quest: Chaotic Goods (2017)
Century: Golem Edition (2017)
Castle Panic: Big Box (2019)
The Walking Dead: Something to Fear (2019)
The Walking Dead: Something to Fear – Shiva Promo Card (2020)
Century: Golem Edition – Bonus Cards 1 (2020)
Century: Golem Edition – Bonus Cards 2 (2020)
Sorcerer City (2020)
Mycelia (2023)
Castle Panic: Deluxe Collection (2023)