Apolline ETIENNE
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Type de personne
Apolline Etienne est une illustratrice de jeux de société née à Verdun, dans la Meuse. Elle vit depuis quelques années à Edimbourg, en Ecosse.
Son style est principalement basé sur la fééries, les esprits, la nature et les contes.
Ludographie sélective
Muse (2017)
Haunt the House (2018)
Haunt the House: Darker Corners (2018)
Haunt the House: Deluxe Edition (2018)
Haunt the House: Graveyard (2018)
Muse: Awakenings (2018)
Borders of Kanta (2019)
Haunt the House: Fiery Promo Card (2019)
Imagineers (2019)
Imagineers: Have More Fun (2019)
Monsieur Carrousel (2019)
Muse: Game Boy Geek Season 7 Kickstarter Promo Card (2019)
Wreck Raiders (2019)
Wreck Raiders: Kickstarter Edition (2019)
Wreck Raiders: The Giant Clam (2019)
Wreck Raiders: The Relic Hunter (2019)
Wreck Raiders: The Shark (2019)
Dronica (2020)
Fossilis (2020)
Fossilis: 2020 Dice Tower Promo Cards (2020)
Elements of the Gods (2021)
Living Forest (2021)
Living Forest: Sanki & Onibi promo cards (2021)
Momiji (2021)
The Quest Kids (2021)
The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure (2021)
The Quest Kids: The Trials of Tolk the Wise (2021)
Carla Caramel (2022)
Mechanical Beast (2022)
Momiji: Falling Leaves (2022)
Momiji: Metal Leaf (2022)
Momiji: Morning Dew (2022)
Power Plants (2022)
The Quest Kids: Big Bads of Tolk's Cave (2022)